RCS vs SCCS: Command Comparison

RCS vs SCCS: Command Comparison

SCCS RCS Explanation
==== === ===========

sccs admin -i -nfile file ci file Checks in the file
for the first time,
creating the revision
history file.

sccs get file co file Check out a file for

sccs edit file co -l file Check out a file for

sccs delta file ci file Check in a file
previously locked.

what file ident file Print keyword

sccs prs file rlog file Print a history of
the file.

sccs sccsdiff -rx -ry file rcsdiff -rx -ry file Compare two

sccs diffs file rcsdiff file Compare current with
last revision.

sccs edit -ix-y file rcsmerge -rx-y file Merge changes between
two versions into

??? rcs -l file Lock the latest

??? rcs -u file Unlock the latest
revision. Possible
to break another's
lock, but mail is
sent to the other
user explaining why.

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