How can I get the DOS and UNIX clock to agree on Solaris/x86?

How can I get the DOS and UNIX clock to agree on Solaris/x86?

After installation, run the command /usr/sbin/rtc -z $TZ, where $TZ
is your timezone. The default root crontab runs /usr/sbin/rtc -c daily.
That way your clock will give the proper time whether you boot Solaris
or MS-DOS/MS Windows.

If you're running Windows NT and find the clock "overadjusted" twice a year
(that is, it gains or loses an extra hour),
you should comment out (with a "#")
the "rtc" line in file /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root.

[Adapted from Casper Dik's Solaris 2 FAQ]
