How do I access a DOS-format diskette from Solaris?

How do I access a DOS-format diskette from Solaris?

Using volume management, type "volcheck". This forces Solaris to poll
the diskette drive (and other drives). The diskette drive isn't
polled automatically (unlike the CD-ROM), as it would quickly wear it out.
You should see something like this typing "mount":

/floppy/unnamed_floppy on /vol/dev/diskette0/unnamed_floppy read/write
on Wed Jan 20 09:05:44 1999

To unmount using volume management, type "eject". After a message, you
can manually eject the floppy safely.

You can also mount the diskette in a similar way to hard drive partitions
without using volume management (the old way):

mount -F pcfs /dev/diskette /mnt

Don't forget to turn of the volume management before you try to
do this from the command line or you'll get a "device busy"
message. "/etc/init.d/volmgt stop" will stop the volume
manager. To restart the volume manager, "/etc/init.d/volmgt start".

[From Bob Palowoda's Solaris 2.4 x86 FAQ and Casper Dik's Solaris 2 FAQ]

The GNU mtools package allows access of DOS diskettes without being
root. The diskette isn't mounted, but instead special commands with
the prefix m, such as mcopy, mdir, mdel, etc. are available.
