How do I make the NumLock key go on automatically when I log in?

How do I make the NumLock key go on automatically when I log in?

Add xset led 2
to your CDE startup file, $HOME/.dtprofile.
To turn it off, use xset -led 2
Similarly, for CapsLock, use xset led 4

To make setings apply to all users, add to file

(8.12)How do I get admintool(1M) and some other Solaris
GUI's to run with XFree86?

Some applications are configured to use Sun's proprietary F3 fonts.
The work-around is to run Sun font server, xfs(1), and to prefix XFree86's
FontPath with it.

(8.13)How can I use a XFree86 video driver with XSun?

You can download the Solaris XFree86 Video Drivers and Porting Kit from Sun at


The porting kit allows you to use XFree86 video drivers for Sun's
standard XSun server for Solaris x86.
The porting kit is not supported by Sun.

How easy is it to use the porting kit?
I haven't had the need to use it,
but here's a quote from Johanna Doran's email to me:

I just want to offer another EASIER alternative solution for getting XFree86
to work with Solaris: the Sun Video Drivers and Porting Kit.
I was a complete newbie when I went and installed Solaris on my Intel box,
only to find my monitor was not supported.
I made SEVERAL unsuccessful attempts to install the XFree86 drivers.
Finally I ran into someone who worked at Sun who said to try the porting kit.
Got it on the FIRST try.
You download, un-zip the files, install two patches and two packages,
go to kdmconfig and voila! all the XFree drivers appear.
If none of the drivers are for your card, select the VESA option and it works
for MOST common monitors.
If I had seen this Porting Kit before and knew how EASY it was to install,
I wouldn't have gone through having to re-install Solaris.
I mean EASY.

Copyright © 1997 - 2002 Dan Anderson. All rights reserved.
