Help! I'm stuck in the "Boot Assistant" and can't boot. What do I do?

Help! I'm stuck in the "Boot Assistant" and can't boot. What do I do?

If you get a message similar to:
Run Error: File not found. could not run s
You probably typed "reboot -- -s" or "reboot -- -r"
or similar.
This works for Solaris SPARC, but not for Solaris on Intel--it's disastrous.
It changes your "boot-file" eeprom variable to "-s", which errors out
and puts you in an endless loop in B oot Assistant.

To undo this, type the following at the Boot Assistant prompt:
"b kernel/unix"
This boots with file /platform/i86/kernel/unix.
If this doesn't help, your filesystem may be hosed.
In that case, you have to reinstall.
But make sure this is the case first.

Copyright © 1997 - 2002 Dan Anderson. All rights reserved.
