My ATAPI CD-ROM isn't recognized during install by Solaris' FCS MCB and it's not in the HCL. What can I do?

My ATAPI CD-ROM isn't recognized during install by Solaris' FCS MCB and it's not in the HCL. What can I do?

With at least older versions of Solaris (2.5.1 or before), you may have
problems with ATAPI CD-ROMs either faster than 8x speed, connected
to the secondary ATAPI, or connected to a sound card. I hear reports
from multiple people, however, that this problem has gone away with
Solaris 2.6. I understand the problem is related to the CMD640 ATAPI chipset.
Consider disabling DMA for the CD-ROM.
I find SCSI CD-ROMS are always a safe bet, as are CD-ROMS listed on the HCL.

[Thanks to L. E. "MadHat" Heath and others]
