Help! I get a "No VTOC" or cannot mount error installing Solaris.

Help! I get a "No VTOC" or cannot mount error installing Solaris.

"VTOC" is a disk volume table of contents.
That is, it describes Solaris disk slices and, for Solaris Intel, resides
at the start of the Solaris fdisk partition.
The VTOC contains information on Solaris slices within the
Solaris fdisk partition.

If you get a message similar to one of these:
"Can't open -- No VTOC" or "can't open - no hsfs VTOC"
you've probably told the install program the wrong location of the
installation CD.
A common error during installation is answering this question wrong:
"Select one of the identified devices to boot the Solaris kernel."
What it's really asking is the location of the Solaris installation CD,
not where you're planning on installing Solaris on the hard disk.

Also, make sure to remove the CD before rebooting.

For other installation hints, see

[Thanks to Keith Parkansky]

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