How to Administer NIS+ Groups

How to Administer NIS+ Groups

The following commands may all be used to administer NIS+ groups. Be
aware that NIS+ groups are not the same thing as normal UNIX groups.

You can list the object properties of a group with niscat:

%% niscat -o group-name.groups_dir.domain_name.

The nisgrpadm command creates, delets and performs miscellaneous
administartion operations on the nis+ groups.

To create a group:

%% nisgrpadm -c group-name.domain_name.

The group you cretae will inherit all the object properties specified
in the NIS_DEFAULTS variable. You can view the defaults using the
nisdefaults command:

root-master# nisdefaults
prinicipal name : master.domain_name
domain name : domain_name
Host Name : master.domain_name
Group Name:
Access Rights : ----rmcdr---r---
Time to live :12:0:0
Search Patch : domain-name

To delete a group:

%% nisgrpadm -d group-name.domain_name.

To list the group members:

%% nisgrpadm -l group-name.domain_name.

To add members to a NIS+ group:

%% nisgrpadm -a group-name member

To remove members from a NIS+ group:

%% nisgrpadm -r group-name member

To determine if a member belongs to a NIS+ group:

%% nisgrpadm -t group-name member
