How to Set Up a NIS+ Client

How to Set Up a NIS+ Client

To set up a NIS+ client, first become root on the master server, and
verify that NIS+ host table has an entry for the client. If it does
not, use admintool to add it. Afterwards, run the nisclient script to
create credentials for the client machine:

root-master# nisclient -v -d domain_name -c client_machine

(where domain_name is your NIS+ domain, and client_machine is the name
of your new client.)

Do not worry if nisclient tells you that the credentials already exist
for your client_machine.

Next, login to your client machine as root, and run nisclient to
initialize it:

client# nisclient -v -i -h master_machine -a master_ip -d domain_name

(where master_machine is the name of your NIS+ master, master_ip is
the IP address of your NIS+ master and domain_name is the name of your
NIS+ domain.)

client# cp /etc/nsswitch.nisplus /etc/nsswitch.conf

(You may need to make a change to the hosts line in nsswitch.conf if you use
