Authentication Problems

Authentication Problems

Most of the problems in NIS+ are authentication related problems.
Assuming that you are running rpc.nisd at security level 2 on your
master server, you can use niscat to determine if a user is

%% niscat passwd.org_dir

If the user can see the encrypted passwds, then the user is
authenticated. If the user sees *NP* in place of encrypted passwds,
then he does not have permission to read the passwd column. In this
case, you could run 'keylogin' to try and reauthenticate the user. If
that works, the user might need to run 'chkey' to sync his login and
network passwords.

If keylogin still does not authenticate the user, it is likely that
his credentials have not been set up correctly. You can check that
someone actually has credentials by examining the cred table:

%% niscat cred.org_dir

You can create credentials for a user with nisclient:

%% nisclient -c username

When having credential problems, also consider that it might be a
problem with the credentials of the workstation as well. If known-good
users fail on a specific workstation, you will probably want to try
and set the workstation back up, as described in Section 3.3.
