Can I replace the internal drive in a desktop Sun with a

Can I replace the internal drive in a desktop Sun with a higher capacity model?

Yes, so long as the drive does not pull more power and/or require more heat
than the drive for which the machine was designed. For a SPARCstation 1,
1+, or 2, do not use a disk dissipating more than 10W. For a later
SPARCstation, do not use a disk dissipating more than 11W. Most 5400rpm
drives should be alright; 7200rpm drives or faster, particularly early
7200rpm drives, are likely to be too hot.

For systems which support two drives, if only one drive is installed, it
should be possible to relax this constraint somewhat.

For desktop suns with EIDE drives running Solaris 2.6 or earlier, the
operating system supports only the first 8GB of an EIDE drive; see question
5.11 for more details.
