Why do I get EPROTO from read()?

Why do I get EPROTO from read()?

  From Steve Rago (sar@plc.com):

  EPROTO means that the protocol encountered an unrecoverable error for
  that endpoint.  EPROTO is one of those catch-all error codes used by
  STREAMS-based drivers when a better code isn't available.

  And an addition note from Andrew (andrew@erlenstar.demon.co.uk):

  Not quite to do with EPROTO from read(), but I found out once that on
  some STREAMS-based implementations, EPROTO could be returned by
  accept() if the incoming connection was reset before the accept

  On some other implementations, accept seemed to be capable of blocking
  if this occured. This is important, since if select() said the
  listening socket was readable, then you would normally expect not to
  block in the accept() call. The fix is, of course, to set nonblocking
  mode on the listening socket if you are going to use select() on it.
