How can I view various Windows-format files (Word docs, Excel spreadsheets, etc..) on an HP-UX system?

How can I view various Windows-format files (Word docs, Excel spreadsheets, etc..) on an HP-UX system? Added: 04/17/01

There is an excellent product called Quick View Plus[R] that is made by
IntraNet Solutions (INSo). You can purchase a single copy of Quick View
Plus for HP-UX from IntraNet Solutions. The cost is $59.00 and annual
support can be purchased for an additional $8.85. Support provides
technical assistance and any product enhancements for a 12-month period.
Call INSo if you are interested in purchasing; they accept credit cards
or purchase orders:

Laura Pierce
Corporate Sales
IntraNet Solutions
800.989.9774 x2090
952.829.5424 fax
