How do I defragment my filesystems?

How do I defragment my filesystems? Added: 05/02/02

VxFS filesystems can be defragmented using the fsadm command. However,
the online reorganization and online resize features of fsadm are
enabled only with the HP OnLineJFS optional product.

Here are the relevant options:

-D Report on directory fragmentation. If specified in
conjunction with the -d option, the fragmentation
report is produced both before and after the
directory reorganization.

-d Reorganize directories. Directory entries are
reordered to place subdirectory entries first, then
all other entries in decreasing order of time of last
access. The directory is also compacted to remove
free space.

-E Report on extent fragmentation. If specified in
conjunction with the -e option, the fragmentation
report is produced both before and after the extent

-e Reorganize extents. Minimize file system
fragmentation. Files are reorganized to have the
minimum number of extents.

An example:

# fsadm -dDeE /var

See fsadm_vxfs(1M) for further details.

No commands are available for defragmenting HFS filesystems.
