Why do NCD X-terminals hang when trying to connect via

Why do NCD X-terminals hang when trying to connect via XDMCP to an HP-UX 10.20 host running CDE?

Updated: 04/09/01

This is probably a language negotiation problem. Copy the file
/usr/dt/config/Xconfig into /etc/dt/config, then edit it. Find the bit
that reads:

# To specify a default language for the display.
# Dtlogin*language: <lang>

and modify it so it looks something like:

# To specify a default language for the display.
# Dtlogin*language: <lang>
Dtlogin*language: en_GB.iso88591

i.e. - Specify a language/locale rather than letting dtlogin use the
default value of "C", which may not be acceptable to the client.


