Has /etc/logingroup functionality changed in 11.x?

Has /etc/logingroup functionality changed in 11.x? Added: 05/03/02

HP has confirmed the change from 10.x to 11.x in the setting of the
group id at login time vis-a-vis /etc/logingroup.

It's not documented, but now the behavior is sort of the *reverse* of
10.x behavior:

o no /etc/logingroup --> only GID is that from /etc/passwd.
The user must execute 'newgrp' to change GID.
o /etc/logingroup exists --> user is effectively the member of every
group in which he is listed in /etc/logingroup, without
having to do a 'newgrp'.

A common trick is simply 'ln -s /etc/group /etc/logingroup' if you want
membership in all groups listed in /etc/group.

o no /etc/logingroup --> user is effectively the member of *every*
group in which he is listed in /etc/group
o /etc/logingroup exists --> user is effectively the member of *only*
the groups in which he is listed in /etc/logingroup.

So, the "workaround" to get 11.x to behave as 10.x did, is simply:

# >/etc/logingroup

Now the user is now not listed in any groups in /etc/logingroup and so is
only a member of the group listed /etc/passwd. I'm not sure why you'd
want to fall back to the 10.X behavior except, maybe, legacy situations
some sort.
