Has anybody made a list of useful port numbers?

Has anybody made a list of useful port numbers?

Not yet, but this is intended to grow into such a list (if any interest is shown). In each example, internal should be replaced with the IP number of the machine playing the game.

  • Asheron's Call

    nat port udp internal :65000 65000

    Manually change the port number within the game to 65000. If you have got a number of machines that you wish to play on assign a unique port number for each (i.e. 65001, 65002, etc) and add a nat port line for each one.

  • Half Life

    nat port udp internal:27005 27015

  • PCAnywhere 8.0

    nat port udp internal:5632 5632

    nat port tcp internal:5631 5631

  • Quake

    nat port udp internal:6112 6112

    Alternatively, you may want to take a look at www.battle.net for Quake proxy support.

  • Quake 2

    nat port udp internal:27901 27910

    nat port udp internal:60021 60021

    nat port udp internal:60040 60040

  • Red Alert

    nat port udp internal:8675 8675

    nat port udp internal:5009 5009
