Where can I read announcements from Digital?

Where can I read announcements from Digital?

biz.digital.announce is Digital Equipment Corporation's newsgroup for
posting business information on products, services, significant
contracts, organizational announcements, cooperative marketing
agreements, alliances, seminars, promotions, etc.

The newsgroup will be organized so that you can use a "kill" file with
your newsreader to skip over (or ignore) classes of announcements that
are not of interest. All postings will be organized along the
following lines:

Subject: Press/... Digital Press Releases
Subject: Fact Sheet/... - Supporting Fact Sheets
Subject: Backgrounder/... - Supporting Editorial Backgrounders
Subject: Partner/... Press Releases from Digital's Partners
Subject: Seminar/... Seminars offered by Digital
Subject: Promotion/... Sales Promotions offered by Digital
Subject: Show/... Digital Tradeshow Activities
Subject: Training/... Digital Education & Training

The new biz.digital hierarchy is:

biz.digital.announce News and Announcements
biz.digital.articles Newsletters, Catalog, and Journal Articles

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