What's on the bash `wish list' for future versions?

What's on the bash `wish list' for future versions?

These are features that may or may not appear in a future version of bash.

breaking some of the shell functionality into embeddable libraries
a module system like zsh's, using dynamic loading like builtins
better internationalization using GNU `gettext'
an option to use external files for the long `help' text
date-stamped command history
a bash programmer's guide with a chapter on creating loadable builtins
a better loadable interface to perl with access to the shell builtins and
variables (contributions gratefully accepted)
ksh93-like `nameref' variables
ksh93-like `+=' variable assignment operator
ksh93-like `xx.yy' variables (including some of the .sh.* variables) and
associated disipline functions
Some of the new ksh93 pattern matching operators, like backreferencing

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