Why can't I use vi-mode editing on Red Hat Linux 6.1?

Why can't I use vi-mode editing on Red Hat Linux 6.1?

The short answer is that Red Hat screwed up.

The long answer is that they shipped an /etc/inputrc that only works
for emacs mode editing, and then screwed all the vi users by setting
INPUTRC to /etc/inputrc in /etc/profile.

The short fix is to do one of the following: remove or rename
/etc/inputrc, set INPUTRC=~/.inputrc in ~/.bashrc (or .bash_profile,
but make sure you export it if you do), remove the assignment to
INPUTRC from /etc/profile, add

set keymap emacs

to the beginning of /etc/inputrc, or bracket the key bindings in
/etc/inputrc with these lines

$if mode=emacs

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