Why is the bash builtin `test' slightly different from /bin/test?

Why is the bash builtin `test' slightly different from /bin/test?

The specific example used here is [ ! x -o x ], which is false.

Bash's builtin `test' implements the Posix.2 spec, which can be
summarized as follows (the wording is due to David Korn):

Here is the set of rules for processing test arguments.

0 Args: False
1 Arg: True iff argument is not null.
2 Args: If first arg is !, True iff second argument is null.
If first argument is unary, then true if unary test is true
Otherwise error.
3 Args: If second argument is a binary operator, do binary test of $1 $3
If first argument is !, negate two argument test of $2 $3
If first argument is `(' and third argument is `)', do the
one-argument test of the second argument.
Otherwise error.
4 Args: If first argument is !, negate three argument test of $2 $3 $4.
Otherwise unspecified
5 or more Args: unspecified. (Historical shells would use their
current algorithm).

The operators -a and -o are considered binary operators for the purpose
of the 3 Arg case.

As you can see, the test becomes (not (x or x)), which is false.

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