How do I make an export list from a library archive?

How do I make an export list from a library archive?

[ formerly in section 2.17 ]

This script will only extract the "export"able names and should be
useful in starting the shared library creation process. The user must
determine which names should be included in the import and export lists.
It's only been tested on a few library archives.

# mkexps - make export list
# This program creates an export list by combining all the "." and normal names
# into one list.
if [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]]
print "Usage: mkexps ArchiveFile"
exit -2
if [[ ! -f $1 ]]
print "mkexps: Cannot open file \"$1\""
exit -1
dump -g $1 | awk '
top = 1
/^[ ]*[0-9][0-9]*/ {
if ( (n = index( $2, "." )) > 0 ) {
export_array[ top++ ] = substr( $2, n+1, length( $2 ))
else {
export_array[ top++ ] = $2

for ( i = 1; i < top; i++ )
print export_array[ i ]

}' | sort | uniq

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