IBM's gopher, WWW, aftp presence.

IBM's gopher, WWW, aftp presence.

There is now a new section dedicated to AIX on IBM's main web server:

The following are various other resources:

(verified Aug 9 1996 by Frank Wortner)
Thanks to Ronald S. Woan

(FixDist ptfs)
(rlogin fixes & more)
(anonouncements & press releases)
(software, hardware, service & support)

General IBM information like product announcements and press releases
are available through World Wide Web at .

Specific information on the RISC System/6000 product line and AIX
(highlights include marketing information, technology White Papers and
the POWER 2 technology book online before it hits the presses,
searchable APAR database and AIX support FAX tips online so you don't
have to type in all those scripts) is available at

Home FAQ