
-irow: 3; mso-yfti-lastrow: yes”>


Command Line

Create a disk group

vxdg init diskgroup diskname=device

Add a disk to disk group

vxdg -g diskgroup adddisk

Remove a disk from disk group

vxdg –g diskgroup rmdisk diskname

Deport, import or destroy a disk group

vxdg {deport|import|destroy} diskgroup

List disk groups

vxdg list [diskgroup]

Show free/spare space pool

vxdg –g diskgroup {free|spare}

Upgrade disk group version

vxdg [-T version] upgrade diskgroup

Rewrite disk headers, configuration copies, and kernel log copies in a disk group.

vxdg flush diskgroup targetdg object


vxdctl enable (for all disk groups)

Move an object between disk groups

vxdg move sourcedg targetdg object

Split objects between disk groups

vxdg split sourcedg targetdg object

Join disk groups

vxdg join sourcedg targetdg

List objects affected by a disk group move operation

style=”MARGIN: 2pt -0.4pt 2pt 6.9pt; mso-element: frame; mso-element-frame-hspace: 9.0pt; mso-element-wrap: around; mso-element-anchor-vertical: paragraph; mso-element-anchor-horizontal: page; mso-element-left: 111.65pt; mso-element-top: 4.8pt; mso-height-rule: exactly”>vxdg listmove sourcedg targetdg object

Display bootdg

Display defaultdg

Set defaultdg

style=”MARGIN: 6pt 0in 1pt 9pt; mso-element: frame; mso-element-frame-hspace: 9.0pt; mso-element-wrap: around; mso-element-anchor-vertical: paragraph; mso-element-anchor-horizontal: page; mso-element-left: 111.65pt; mso-element-top: 4.8pt; mso-height-rule: exactly”>

vxdg bootdg

vxdg defaultdg

vxdctl defaultdg diskgroup

Manually back up the disk group configuration

Perform precommit analysis of a restore

Restore the disk group configuration

vxconfigbackup diskgroup

vxconfigrestore -p diskgroup

vxconfigrestore -c [-l directory] diskgroup

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